Youcubed kete expands

Everywhere we turn, data is telling and weaving stories about our world. Youcubed have recognised the growing importance of being able to work with, understand, and use data by launching a data literacy section to their kete

Jo Boaler and her team have started working with Steve Levitt and his new initiative at the University of Chicago: The Center for RISC. Together they are thinking through the changes that need to happen in maths education to build data fluency.

Jo also argues that US curriculum standards are over packed with content, and teachers find it difficult to teach ideas in the depth that is needed. The same could be said for NZ.
Mathematics in the 21st century requires a different approach and Jasmine Hall this years Bevan Werry speaker challenged us to think about this in her address at NZAMT 16.
Youcubed's 21st Century maths page has links to videos, and podcasts including a discussion with Keith Devlin, "The Math Guy", who was in New Zealand this year and interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on Radio NZ  where they discuss what mathematicians do now that machines do the maths.

On Youcubed you will also find under Mindset Algebra a 4-week curriculum unit that can be used to introduce algebraic concepts. "It draws upon algebraic research showing that it is more helpful for students to learn algebra through studying pattern growth where a variable represents a case number, and can vary, before learning about “solving for x."

The weeks of Inspirational Maths pages have been updated so now you can draw on the growing resource and build your own week of inspirational maths.


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