NZAMT Writing camp

Would you like an all expenses paid trip to Auckland in January?

  • Stay in accomodation, set in three hectares of park-like surroundings
  • All meals included
  • Great company
  • Awesome PLD

Writing Camp runs from Tuesday the 7th to Friday the 10th of January 2020
Over the 4 days you will work with a team of people to write assessment tasks for a year Level. Level 3 is split into Calculus and Statistics and one team focuses on a Level one alternate maths programme based around the numeracy standards.

Knowledge of mathematics in the NZ curriculum is essential. Some experience in the areas of writing is beneficial but NZAMT welcome newcomers with curriculum knowledge. If interested please fill in the below google form by the 14th of October. If you can’t make it to the camp and would like to gift us resources or starter ideas that would be most appreciated.


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