teachers learning from teachers

Today  Ormiston Senior College opened their doors to mathematics teachers to share how they are personalising learning utilising technology. Teachers came from Albany in the north to Onewhero is the south.

I was definitely the kid with a new toy as I learned to drive a sphero.
With a bit of trial and error however the sphero was off.

I think the best day of school just got better.

Many thanks to Ormiston Senior College, Subash and his department for hosting us - A great morning - lots of learning - and lots of ideas shared.

Next stop
Auckland Maths Association AGM & Quiz Night
Get a team (of 4) together  or join a team on the night

Wednesday February 28th 
Mt Eden Bowling Club, Epsom Ave, Epsom.
Happy Hour 6-7pm
AGM followed by quiz night, 


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