Weekend Reading

Here is the first National Maths & Stats Newsletter of the year with many useful links. 

I particularly like the new you cubed site from Stanford University http://youcubed.stanford.edu/, and Jo Boaler,  Professor of Mathematics Education and the driving force behind the very successful “How to Learn Maths” course.  She uses Carol Dweck’s work and this website is heavily informed by her interpretations of “Mindset”. 
http://youcubed.stanford.edu/category/teaching-ideas/growing-mindset/ . 

The positive class norms section contains a document worth sharing with her 7 favourite messages for students

Stanford also released a news article last week on the need to teach maths without fear or speed. You can find the article here 

The short paper the news article is based on is worth downloading and having a read through.
While this paper is aimed at younger students, as secondary teachers having students coming into year 9 without a sound knowledge of basic facts is not uncommon. 
Included in the paper are a number of activities that could be used to practice basic facts and embed number sense.
Students I have worked with have always loved the "how close to 100" activity. We often used it as a whole class activity and threw in  questions like, how many squares did you fill in with that roll, what fraction of your grid is coloured now? What % do you have left ?

This paper has also got me thinking about my response to parents of young children asking what they should do about their child's maths.

Just make sure they can add subtract multiple divide has been my stock standard response however I will now be sure to include making sure they learn their facts  by using them in different mathematical situations to help build that flexibility of thinking and so number sense.

What will your response be?


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