First Lessons

This post from the secondary literacy on line forum got me thinking about what we do in maths to start the year. 

Great first lessons: Igniting the fire in your students.
There is nothing like the first lesson to excite students about the learning both as an individual and as a class of learners who are hopefully going to take charge of their own learning.

How do you want them to feel when they leave your classroom? What is the most important thing you want them to know? Are they going to feel a part of a class or feel like a separate individual?

How are you going to establish manaakitanga (values of integrity, trust, sincerity and integrity) 
What are you going to do to build whanaungatanga (relationships based on high expectations)?

  1. To build whanaungatanga: The string activity: In groups of 4, students are given two pieces of string and some post-its. They are to use the string to make the North and South Island. Individually students write on a post-it a place that has special meaning to them. They do this for three special places- then place each post-it within (or outside) of the pieces of string.  They then go around and share their place and why it has meaning to them. Making connections and building relationships. Alternatively you could do the same with a map of the Pacific.

I thought we could share some ideas together that could be used as first lessons. To start the ball rolling here are  6 more ideas: 

  1. Habits of successful learners : Get a SKAR
  2. Joining squares - investigation
  3. Who am I ? - know your learner
  4. Why is a manhole round & other ideas ?
  5. Calculator capers
  6. 9 questions


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