5 things Shared in October

The Education Hub shared
  • The Gift of Teachers Time Professor Susan Moore Johnson's research on how school leaders can make the most of teachers' time. "Teachers’ time is one of a school’s most valuable and scarce resources, yet it’s often wasted because of poor leadership and management." Read Here
  • Why am I not curious about the things I want to be curious about? Daniel Willingham's opinion piece in the New York times exploring the power (and pitfalls) of curiosity has some great lessons for educators. Read Here

Pull Up nets - made a comeback - these are a engaging way to look at  nets, surface area & volume while  doing a bit of engineering of 3D shapes

Download an ATM article here or another here simply google pull-up nets to find more 

American Stats Association - Lesson Plans
I liken myself to a magpie always on the lookout for shiny new things and inspiration the following year. THe AMerican Stats Association(ASA) has a  collection of stats investigations that we could adapt for use here in NZ


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