And guess what happened ...
The next MathsChat is coming up 8.30pm Tuesday July 2nd
Wondering what goes on in a Twitter chat ?
Its a straightforward model - questions are posed to the group and then people answer them starting with Ax (x being the question number) and adding #MathsChatNZ at the end.
Here is a snapshot of the 2019 reboot on June 4th. To see the whole chat jump onto Twitter and search MAthsChatNZ.
Theme - Being a connected maths teacher
Q1: How many Maths PL days have you had in the last 12 months and what has been the best PL for you in the last 1 and a half years?
- One day - Stats day. My best learning is from student voice, this drives my new learning. I am a very online learner.
- Sadly 4 replied none
- 5 days AMA Sept Saturday 2018, AMA Stats Day 2018, AMA Calculus Day 2018, Ormiston Maths Day 2019, AMA HoD Day 2019.
Q2: What PL sources set you up with the best enduring connections to other passionate Maths and Stats teachers?
- A2: Twitter has been one of the best sources in terms of connecting with teachers outside of NZ particularly with Desmos and Geogebra. #MathsChatNZ #edchatnz
- A2: Our NZ Maths Facebook group has also been great to connect with kiwi maths
- A2: NZ Maths Teachers' Facebook site is gold.
- Twitter for the brilliant UK PD and ideas. (And the NZ stuff already discussed!) Main people I follow are @mathsjem , @DrBennison and @DrFrostMaths . All fabulous.
- @nzamt writing camps (@LisKiwi!) and CMA regional association events #mathschatnz
- I must say @MathforLove Dan Finkel has been very kind, and I have learned heaps through twitter about the gamification of the math classroom. Also NZCER...
- I think there is a lot of scope for teaching Algebra through other pathways. Actually came across this old resource this week, and a little time on the laser cutter had a class set of pieces to try it out. http://mathematicscentre.com/taskcentre/071algeb.htm
- Wouldn't say 'fact' but there is real benefit to teaching algebra explicitly
Q4: Have you had resistance from other staff or students when you tried to introduce technology in the maths classroom?
- 7 people commented on this question login to twitter to read at #mathsChatNZ
- Greedy pig was a favourite
- Priscilla Allan shared a link to her site https://sites.google.com/view/2019math/apn/board-games
- another person highlighted Hospice Shops as a great source of games - I can vouch for this - my classroom had a games cupboard. and several teachers got students to make their own
Year10 Aorere College students
- A6 #MathsChatNZ The games encourage literacy. The 'student help desk' encourages questions and answers. Ss are NOT quiet. We are casual, friendly and we learn lots. Fast. We discuss the math is a messy manner.
- A6: My classrooms are noisy, and (mostly) productive. If you're on-task, I usually don't care how much noise you're making. A bit of banter back and forward keeps me sane too. I try to have a culture of helping each other, with varied success
- A7: using rubrics in student-speak that describe depth of conceptual understanding, or better yet, comparative marking for students’ answers to conceptual questions. Went to great PD on comparative marking for assessing conceptual understanding last year #mathschatnz
Organisers set the Theme - Next months is Developing statistical writing
- Questions are crowd sourced, fill in this form if you have an idea to share
- At 8.30pm on the first Tuesday of the Month fire up twitter
- Search for #MathsChatNZ and follow along
To answer a question Write “A” then the number to answer that question. Eg “A1” to answer Q1. And bang that #MathsChatNZ on your tweets so everyone can read them!
Ss = students, ts = teachers
Next MathsChatNZ is on July 2nd: Theme Developing statistical writing
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