What's on

The longest night is behind us and its time to look forward to the days getting longer and the calendar of events for Term 3

Kalman Awards - apply now! 
The Margaret and John Kalman CharitableTrust is again generously supporting the achievements of secondary Mathematics and Statistics teachers in the Auckland region. John Kalman was a professor of Mathematics at the University of Auckland from 1964 to 1993, and a leading promoter of Mathematics in New Zealand.

The inaugural winners  were Subash Chandar K, Ormiston College and Mala Nataraj, Selwyn College. They each received a prize of $5000 from the Margaret and John Kalman Trust. In addition they spent a day at the Department with 30 of their students.
Students made Enigma machines with Pringles tubes and conjectured and generalised about “stacks of cans”. Tanya Evans spoke about employment and careers for those with a Mathematics degree and students were intrigued to view and learn about a Gomboc. One student made a ‘vlog’ about her experience that featured interviews with members of the Department and showcasing her Enigma machine and the Gomboc. They also visited the Unleashed Space in the Department of Engineering. This space includes Maker Space which houses the latest 3-D printers, laser cutters and much more. The day concluded with a Maths Trail around Albert Park

Applications will be accepted from individual teachers and groups of teachers from Secondary schools in the Auckland Council region.
Details may be found here .
Applications must be received by 5pm July 30th

Kohia Exam Papers: order now for delivery July 20
Practice exam papers will be available for each of the mathematics and statistics externals for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Statistics and Calculus.
orders can be placed now for delivery from July 20th

Australian Maths Competition: August 9
Entries close Friday July 6th. Use this link if you have yet to register or have extra students you would like to register for the competition.

 Derek Glover, has taken over from the late Alan Parris as the new national director for the Australian Maths competition. Email Derek if you have any questions about the competition.  derekglovereducation@gmail.com

Maths Week August 13-17

Maths week is turning 21 in 2018. Lets celebrate by topping the2017 numbers where 297,258 students and 4,882 teachers took part.

Registrations are open https://www.mathsweek.co.nz/registration

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This years topics include:
The Golden Ratio, A.I., The Largest Prime Number, LOP codes, Noughts and Crosses, The Maths Chase, Indices Cycle Race, Maths Millionaire interactive, Daily Dollar Questions, Maths Games.

AMA Casio-Mathex August 22 & 23
August 22nd  (Years 9 &10)  
August 23rd (Years 7 & 8) 

The AMA Casio Mathex competition is one of the largest maths events in the country. Almost 2000 students attend the  each year.  
Make sure you don't miss out by getting your registrations in early. Schools may enter up to two teams from each year level. Entry is free to AMA and PMA member schools.
The event is again being held at the recently renamed  Barfoot & Thompson stadium, Kohimaramara Rd Rd. (at Selwyn

2017 Casio Mathex Final in action


AMA Saturday morning  September 1.
Where: Faculty if Education & Social Work, THe University of Auckland, Epsom Ave
When: 8.30 am - noon, September 1
$5 Koha


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