
Each winter the stars of Matariki and Puanga signal the end of one year in Aotearoa, and the beginning of the next. Traditionally Mäori have recognised the rise of Matariki as a time to celebrate and prepare for the new year. Matariki takes place on the 25th June however the Matariki celebrations have begun. To see what's on check out the Matariki Festival website. Matariki gives us an opportunity to enrich students’ mathematical experiences in a meaningful context Click here for a an integrated unit from NZMaths The unit begins with an investigation into some of the mathematics of astronomy associated with the rising of Matariki and learn where to look for the stars at the beginning of Matariki. As students work through the unit they learn about the significance of whakapapa, our family tree, and the mathematics of our descendants as they go back generations. They discover the algebra behind a famous tukutuku...