What's New ?

With the release of the learning progression framework we now have a growing kete of tools to select from to build numeracy skills with our students.

From the beehive this week....

New resources to boost numeracy and literacy

Education Minister Hekia Parata today officially launched a new resource, including an app, to strengthen teaching and learning in reading, writing and maths.
“Being able to effectively evaluate a child’s rate of progress is essential for teachers, so they can identify where more support is required,” says Ms Parata.
“There has been a gap in our understanding of progress and achievement in years 9 and 10. The Learning Progression Frameworks (LPF) that I’m launching today fills that gap, supporting teachers’ understanding of how their students are progressing in those two years.”

The LPF acts as a guide, providing examples of student work to illustrate the significant steps that students need to take as they develop their skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Interactive modules are also provided to take teachers through how to use the LPF to support teaching and learning. ..
. more

The learning progression framework is available at https://lpf.education.govt.nz/
Registration is required for access

The Learning Progressions app can be downloaded from iTunes or Google Play:

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nz.govt.minedu.pactapp

(Note the App only goes to Level 4 of the curriculum)

More resources for New Zealand Teachers and students

The modules in Pathways Awarua have been developed to support learners to strengthen their numeracy, reading, writing and listening competencies.

The numeracy pathway has been linked to levels of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Pathways Awarua has also gone Mobile - goto the App store or Google Play and search Pathways Awarua to download the Numeracy module


e-ako maths is a resource created to support students' development of a sound knowledge and understanding of important maths ideas from levels 1-5 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
e-ako maths is designed to complement and support a classroom teaching programme and is not intended to be a stand alone tool for teaching these important concepts.

e-ako now includes a suite of PLD modules for teachers.

For more information about e-ako maths click here


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