The numbers are out

During April, NZQA released the 2015 NCEA data 

Have you wondered what standards other schools are doing at Level 1 & 2?
Here are the national numbers.
Level 1 Maths & Stats 2015
Blue = Number of students attempting the standard    Red = Achieved with A M or E

Level 2 Maths & Stats 2015
Blue = Number of students attempting the standard    Red = Achieved with A M or E

I have looked at the numbers across regions and across deciles and the same pattern occurs.

If we assume 91026  (L1 Number) is the standard done by all.
Approximately 70% of our students sit the MCAT yet only 7% nationally attempt the Geometry standard.

If we used  91026 (Number) and 91259 (Trig) as the benchmarks, can we assume that just over 56% of students continue on to Level 2 maths?
How can we encourage more students to continue with Maths & Stats at Level 2?

Level 3 2015
Blue = Number of students attempting the standard    Red = Achieved with A M or E

The pass rate for the 3 big stats internals, Time Series, Inference & Bivariate data is averaging 85%, however around 42% of these students are at achieved level.

How do we shift them to Merit and Excellence?

3 ideas:

1. W.W.W. at its simplest level for improving statistical report writing the WWW model can help provide structure.
What do I see?
Where do I see it?
What does what i see, mean to me ?

2. Jeremy Brocklehurst shared his OSEM Model at Stats day in 2014. This model can be applied to mathematical problems as well.

3. SOLO - sharing the SOLO model with students can help them visualise the steps.
The circle represent the students having no idea where to start.
At the achieved level we would classify students as being multi-structural. They have several ideas about a subject and can define, describe and list these ideas but miss the connections these ideas make to the overall meaning.
As they move to being relational (Merit) students are comparing & contrasting ideas, explaining their thinking, justifying, relating and analysing. At the relational stage they are beginning to link these ideas to the bigger picture.

For excellence we want student to go beyond the subject and make links to other concepts (generalise). Students who are at the extended abstract stage can evaluate, predict, hypothesise, imagine and reflect on their ideas.


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