Time for Reading

Its that time of year when we get a chance to stop and think about all the things we wanted to do and never quite got done.

For me one of those things is reducing the reading list & next year I plan to allocate some time each week to professional reading.

ULearn15 :

If you didn't get the chance to go or like me couldn't be in several places at once and missed some of the spotlight sessions, you can find their presentations here.
Keynote presenters included, Grant Lichtman, Dr Ann Leiberman, Pat Sneddon.

Over the weekend, I watched Leaders growing Leaders, from Barbara Cavanagh, Principal, of Albany Senior High School. A key message was, to be an educational leader we should learn about learning so we can make every student a successful learner.

Her reading list for us included

  • Leadership Mindsets. Linda Kaser & Judy Halbert 
  • Building Learning Power. Guy Claxton 
  • Mindset. Carol Dwek 
  • Student Centred Leadership. Vivianne Robinson 
  • Visible learning for Teachers. John Hattie 
  • Simply Better. Doing What Matters Most to Change the Odds for Student Success. Bryan Goodwin

I saw somewhere recently successful CEO's read 60 books a year.

Much of my reading these days is done via blogs. Each day about 172,800 blogs are created. That is two blogs every second. Here are a few that I have found to have some interesting posts - the list of course is endless - add your favourite blogs to the comments below.

Mathematics Specific Blogs

Dan Myer: Blog from Dan Myer famous for his YouTube video, Math Class Needs a Makeover

Oxford Education blog - post from John Mason who presented at NZAMT14

Mathematics, learning & technology from Colleen Young, a UK teacher

National Council of Maths Teachers Middle School Blog

and to help you in your quest for information, this link searches only Maths Blogs: http://www.fishing4tech.com/mtbos.html

For blogs on
  1. Teaching & Learning try Edutopia
  2. Reflective Practice: read Teaching and elearning; from Claire Amos, DP at Hobsonville Point SS. Claire is also a member of the 21st Century Learning & Digital Literacy Reference Group.
  3. Technology: browse ipad4schools. the internationally recognised blog of Richard Wells, Head of Technology at Orewa College. This blog shows how to use the iPad in the classroom for flipped learning, student centred and mobile learning
and finally

The Transport Blog is a great source of contextual data and graphs.  Today's post, entitled, No White Elephants to be found here, is all about the use of rail as a means of getting about in Auckland


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