Getting to Grips with Technology

On the way to work this morning I was captured by an interview,on Radio New New Zealand National, with Tim Gander, Centre Director, for the Gisborne MindLab about improving the engagement of students through technology. 
Listen to the interview here 

Also check out the post grad diplomas available through The MINDLAB here
The next course begins on November 2nd & teacher scholarships are available.

One school using technology to enhance learning is Ormiston Senior College.

I went to Subash Chandra K's workshop at the recent NZAMT conference in Auckland and got re-inspired to work on my video making skills.  He began his journey with an inquiry into flipping the classroom with his year 13 Calculus class.

Top tips from the workshop were, keep it simple, keep them short and if you make a mistake while recording just correct yourself and keep going. In the early days he re-recorded videos to try and make them perfect which took a lot of time. Don't be too hard on yourself - you will get better over time. 

These videos are available any time for his students to go back to. They are also available to anyone on the web. 
With exams coming up why not record problems as you do them in class & share with your students or have them make their own revision videos to share.

Maths OSC on Youtube

Students like to hear their own teachers voice so it is worth having a go & creating a you tube channel to store them. 

There are lots of options for making videos  - some of the more common ones include

I  have also invested in a JotPro stylus for writing on my ipad.

At the end of the Radio Interview Tim talked about augmented reality which was pretty exciting as a colleague shared Aurasma with me this week. 

Aurasma is an APP that brings pictures to life. Maybe this will get our students really talking maths. 

Teaching with Aurasma

Download the app & set up your account

Print this picture of Robert Burns from here 

Scan using the Aurasma APP & watch the picture come to life

Imagine what your students could do with this. Enjoy the learning journey with them. 


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