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What do you do for students who arrive with significant academic gaps? How you will identify them? How you will you know you have made a difference? This post highlights a recent discovery that will help address question 1, that is a book written by Suzy Pepper Rollins, Learning in the Fast lane, 8 ways to put ALL students on the road to achieve academic success. Suzy argues that we spend too much time focussing on filling the gaps rather than moving forward. In otherwords we spend far too much time remediating rather than accelerating students. " instruction that aims to catch up lagging students or fix all their past problems ends up providing classroom experiences that are not compelling, rigorous, or engaging. Such instruction may inadvertently widen rather than close achievement gaps. " How do students feel? sourced from http://cpl.org.nz/Our-services/Accelerated-Literacy-Learning-ALL/Northern-region A colleague ...