Exam Ready

"Giving students the information they need to pass exams is the beginning of the process" Christine Ward In preparing our students for exam we tend to focus a lot of attention on preparing students with the content but often pay little heed to how they feel and how we can help alleviate the stress. Where will they be sitting the exam? Will they be in a familiar classroom, the hall, gymnasium at another school? How do our students practice for the feeling of sitting in the space they will be sitting the exam in? How do we prepare them for the unfamiliar? Reading time Once upon a time exams began with 10 minutes of reading time where pens had to be left on the desk. My observations of students beginning exams these days is that almost all pick up their pens and begin answering question one as soon as the supervisor says they can start. Taking time to read the entire paper before starting to write can give students the time they need to become calm and cle...