How a rich context can make a difference.

There is nothing like a bit of mystery to get Year 10 boys interested. Ricky Pedersen, HoF De La Salle College and his Year 10 class looked at a fake crime scene and attempted to solve a murder mystery. This was their second lesson on solving for unknown angles in a right angle triangle. How the lesson unfolded:- 1. Ricky created a hook: Before the students got into the classroom they noticed that something was different. Ricky had cordoned off an area of his classroom and set up a crime scene. Students could see something worthwhile was going to take place in this lesson. Ricky was bombarded with question What happened? What are we doing? Why is the room different? Their task: to collectively find out where each blood drop originated from and how the murder took place. 2. They made connections: Together they looked at a diagram of a blood drop hitting the floor and recapped their trigo...