Resourceful Revision

This post is from Ricky Pedersen, HOF at De La Salle College in Auckland Ricky shared his story on the literacy forum this week. It would be great to get more maths teachers sharing what they are doing in their classrooms on the literacy forum . What have you tried recently? If it has a literacy focus join the forum or simply email me and i can share here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With junior exams on the horizon, Ricky decided it was time to do something different with his geometry revision programme. Students were given 8 tasks to complete and the instructions he provided were that they should select a minimum of 3: Create a brochure about different angles and triangles – made in the shape of an isosceles triangle Create flash cards on shapes, angles and lines that we have covered Create a “go fish” game with definitions, diagrams and names Design a geometry tshirt which incorpo...