Term 1 Round Up

For those of you that are not on Facebook here is a brief round up of what members shared over term 1 What is 1/2 a coconut an apple and 3 bananas worth? The year began with a lot of activity around this puzzle that also featured in the NZ Herald http://m.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=1159137 0 These are great conversation starters for classrooms and encourage mathematical discussions between students. Maths in the News ‘Not a Math Person’: How to Remove Obstacles to Learning Math . Jo Boaler from Stanford University http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2015/11/30/not-a-math-person-how-to-remove-obstacles-to-learning-math/ How often do you hear people telling you they can't do maths? This article from Washington post is for them " Stop telling kids you’re bad at math. You are spreading math anxiety ‘like a virus.’" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/04/25/stop-telling-kids-youre-bad-at-math-you-are-sp...