Monkey Business

2016 is Year of the monkey The Monkey is ninth of the 12 animals in the recurring 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle. Every 12 years there is a Monkey year. Monkey years are all multiples of 12, from 12 AD, through 1200 AD, to now in 2016. How many monkey years can you list in 2 minutes? ------------------------------------------------------ Number skills must be mastered early in secondary school if we want to keep the other topics accessible to students. From great maths teaching ideas This post from William Emery got me thinking about what we do on a regular basis to ensure mastery of number skills. I also wondered if we mapped the NZ Mathematics & Statistics curriculum in the same way, would we likely get a similar result. Top of the list of essential skills for success Multiply & Divide whole numbers followed by Add & subtract whole numbers then BEDMAS (BIDMAS BODMAS .... ) place value & decimals ar...