Over the hump

[ image credit ] I always looked forward to getting to the end of Term Two - the hump term of the year - the shortest day has been and gone and by start of term 3 the days are longer and summer feels like it is is on its way again. Early in Term 2, I was lucky enough to go to TEDx Auckland. With a line up of 16 awesome speakers the day delivered much more than I was expecting. A selection of the talks are now on youtube . Tama Iti, spoke about Mana & the power of knowing who you are . Hong Sheng Chiong , received a standing ovation for his work in fighting preventable blindness with $20 and a smartphone Shaun Hendy's talk on innovating struck a chord and I have been wondering how his thoughts around the need to connect to share ideas in order to innovate can be applied to teaching & learning in our maths classrooms. By using our number 8 wire approach and the power of the internet maybe we can bring teachers together, a bit like the water cooler effect; whe...